SAP ERP Sistemlerine ait ekosistem içerisinde pek çok çözüm, modül ve teknoloji kullanılmaktadır. Bundan dolayı SAP tarafından geliştirilen çözümler, modüller ve teknolojiler için kendine özgü kısa kodlar ile kodlamıştır. Bu yazımızda da elimden geldiğince yaptığım araştırmalar sonucunda elde ettiğim kısa kodların tanımlamalarına yer vereceğim.
Yazının alt kısmında bulunan yorumlar kısmına, bu kısaltmalardan kaç tanesini bildiğinizi, kaç tanesini yeni öğrendiğinizi ve hangilerini yanlış bildiğinizi yazarak makaleyi zenginleştirebilirsiniz.
SAP: Systems, Applications and Products in data processing
HANA: High-performance Analytic Application
ECC: ERP Central Component
S/4HANA: Suite 4 High-performance Analiytic Application
ABAP: Advance Business Application Programming
SUM: Software Update Manager
COPA: Cost-Profit Analysis
FSCM: Finance Supply Chain Management
APO: Advanced Planning and Optimization
MRP: Material Requirement Planning
ML: Material Ledger
RAR: Revenue Accounting and Reporting
BRF: Business Rule Framework
SSOT: Single Source Of Truth
MATDOC: Material Document
CFIN: Central Finance
FICO: Finance and Control
MM: Material Management
SD: Sales and Distribution
LE: Logistics Execution
PP: Production Planning
QM: Quality Management
PM: Plant Maintenance
PS: Project System
HR: Human Resources
IM: Investment Management
TR: Treasury
EC: Enterprise Controlling
WM: Warehouse Management
EWM: Extended Warehouse Management
EHS: Enterprise Health and Safety Management
SRM: Supplier Relationship Management
CRM: Customer Relationship Management
FM: Fund Management
DM: Demand Management
CRP: Capacity Requirements Planning
ISM: Information System Management
BI: Business Intelligence
XI: Exhange Infrastructure
BIW: Business Information Warehousing
SAC: SAP Analytics Cloud
BTP: Business Technology Platform
IS: Industry Solution
ADS: Adobe Document Service
ALE: Application Link Enabling
CDS: Core Data Services
API: Application Programming Interface
BAS: Business Application Studio
ALV: ABAP List Viewer
BDC: Batch Data Communication
BADI: Business Add-In
BAPI: Business Application Programming Interface
BDOC: Business Document
BO: Business Objects
BPC: Business Planning and Consolidation
BRIM: Billing and Revenue Innovation Management
BSP: Business Server Page
CAR: Customer Activity Repository
CBP: Customer Business Planning
CDP: Customer Data Platform
CPI: Cloud Platform Integration
CPQ: Configure Price Quote
DC: Data Custodian
DIC: Data Intelligence Cloud
DMLT: Data Management and Landscape Transformation
DRF: Data Replication Framework
DWC: Data Warehouse Cloud
EAM: Enterprise Asset Management
ETL: Extract Transform Load
FS: Functional Specification
FS-CD: Financial Services-Collections and Disbursements
FSM: Field Service Management
GRC: Governance Risk and Compliance
HCP: Hana Cloud Platform
HRIS: Human Resources Information System
IAM: Intelligent Asset Management
IBP: Integrated Business Planning
IDM: Identity Management
IDOC: Intermediary Document
ILM: Information Lifecycle Management
IMG: Implementation Guide
LTMC: Legacy Transfer Migration Cockpit
MDG: Master Data Governance
MII: Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence
ODATA: Open Data Protocol
OO ABAP: Object Oriented ABAP
PI/PO: Process Integration/Process Orchestration
RDS: Rapid Deployment Solutions
RSM: Rural Sourcing Management
SF: Successfactors
SFABI: Successfactors Data API
SIEM: Security Information and Event Management
SLT: SAP Landscape Transformation
SM: Service Management
SWOM: Software Provisioning Manager
TM: Transportation Management
TRM: Treasury and Risk Management
TS: Technical Spesification
UDA: Upgrade Dependency Analyzer
VIM: Vendor Invoice Management
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